Monday, February 22, 2010


Hey everybody!
I'm in the St.Cloud All City Drumline (SCAC Drumline for short) and I play cymbals. It may sound really easy but it is not. There are 8 hour practices every Sunday and we have a show almost every Saturday. We don't just stand still and play we do "drill" which is like choreography. The show is called "Trust" and there are lots of things that symbolize Trust. If you can you should try and see a show. There is one in Buffalo this Sunday. Ask me and I will give you the time and place.


  1. Mannn...I'm still freaked out by that eight hr

  2. Well, actually most drumlines are highschool drumlines so they can have there practices in band class. But we're an all-city drumline so we all go to different schools. So actually the other drumlines practice more than us.
