Friday, April 2, 2010

Blog parade

Hey, I am in Bekah's (the word crafter) blog parade. Here I go.

1. If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would you say?
2. If you could go anywhere in the world with anyone you wanted to, where would you go and who with?
Rome I just think that is a fascinating place and with my family because I love them and I know they are always there for me.

3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Super strenght. I am pretty small so it would be great to be really strong =P

4. What is one habit (or two ;) that you get teased about a lot?
Being to goofy... i can get pretty goofy sometimes =P

5. What is (or are) your food obsession(s)?
Grapes and brownies

6. What is the best April Fools prank you pulled on someone or that someone pulled on you?
One time i told my little brother our favorite baseball team (Twins) traded their best player but thats it.

7. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be?
An ipod or a tv so i would never be bored =)

8. Let's say you could change the world in one way. How would you change it?
I would show everyone that Jesus is the way.

9. You have a million dollars (*gasp* ;). How do you spend it?
My college, my little brother's college, my parents retirement fund, a house, and a car.

10. What is one thing that always takes your breath away? (That could mean in a good way OR a bad way)
Watching a really close football game, that's either good or bad depending on the outcome =P

11. You are granted three wishes. What do you wish for? (Remember, you can't wish for more wishes ;)
To be able to sing well, and be a really good basketball player, and to be a DJ on Air 1. That would be soooo sweet!

12. You can spend the day with one character from a book or series that you've read. Who is that character?
Fred and George Weasley from the Harry Potter books. They are hilarious!

13. What is something odd or interesting about you that is not commonly known?
That I would actually like to become a succesful author.

14. What is one thing that you absolutely positively cannot stand?
People who can do bad things and swear so casually like they do it every day. I just can't stand that!

15. Say you commited a crime. The judge gives you a choice between sentences: twenty years of complete solitude in the mountains or never having another moment alone for the rest of your life. Your choice?
Never alone. I couldn't leave my family and best friends.

16. What is one benefit that blogging has given you?
Reading the other great blogs. Especially my cousins Josh and Rebekah (Blog of the Rejects and The Word Crafter).

17. A perfect day in your eyes would be...?
A day where I met Brett Favre and got to spend the rest of the day getting along great with my family.


  1. Great thoughts! I am TOTALLY jealous that you said Fred and George Weasley for your people...I totally forgot about them!! :O

  2. I like that you said Morphius and i like all your other answers 2
